Igniting a New Renaissance


Wycliffe Hall's 150 years of witness at the heart of Oxford uniquely positions it for Christian Scholarship, Leadership and Culture. 



Our vision is for A New Renaissance: an outpouring of Christian thinking, creativity and leadership that revitalises society in profound ways across wide geographic areas.

Taking inspiration from the life-giving, healing rivers of Genesis 2, Ezekiel 47 and Revelation 22, The Renaissance Project is our contribution to this global aspiration. The project is our commitment to ensuring that Wycliffe Hall is the kind of prayerful, worshipping community that teaches, forms, resources and amplifies exceptional Christian thinkers, leaders and creators who will contribute to the New Renaissance.

This is a big, inspiring vision that will not be accomplished overnight. Strategic plans and funding campaigns are being drawn up to help us to map the route forward towards a Renaissance of Christian Scholarship, Leadership and Culture.  

But new projects are like sharks - if they stop moving they die!  So, we are already up-and-running, keeping moving.  Last year we ran more than 20 Renaissance events and activities within our community, in collaboration with partners who share our vision, and with the public.

Some of these events are highlighted below:

Highlights 2023/24

We have established a new partnership with Developing a Christian Mind (DCM Oxford), an interdisciplinary set of two conferences led by senior Oxford academics who offer oversight, lectures, and convene conference streams. We have had opportunities to equip Christian leaders in their engagement with our cultural moment, including through a partnership with Bishop Graham Tomlin’s Centre for Cultural Witness, in the UK Premiere of a documentary, The End of Humanity. Alongside academics and church leaders, Wycliffe is home to many creatives, including Maria Godau, studying a Masters in History of Design, who exhibited some of her fashion designs and discussed her vocation to serve and witness to Christ in the fashion industry.

Coming in 2024/25

We already have exciting initiatives planned for the 2024/25 academic year.  We would love you to join us!


Watch this space for an Evening with Iain McGilchrist, author of The Master and His Emissary, which is being planned for 2025.

Generous financial support will allow us to run a programme of new activity – lectures, seminars, colloquia – with academics and professionals sharing their experience. Booking is open for 'Windows into Christian Art' (8 & 15 Nov 2024) with Canon Professor Michelle Brown, Professor Emerita of Medieval Manuscript Studies at University of London.



​​​​​Video: If you haven’t already viewed Michael’s tour de force video, shot on location in the Italian Renaissance Gallery of the Ashmolean Museum, then you really should do so – here

Podcast: You can also hear Michael Lloyd and the Renaissance Project Director, Jonathan Brant, talking about the vision in two podcast episodes – here and here.

Book launches - Autumn 2024

Why not join us for a book launch? All begin at 5:15 p.m. at Wycliffe Hall, are open to the public (no booking required), and include a drinks reception.

Monday 28 October
(3rd Week)  


When Courage Calls:
Josephine Butler and the Radical Pursuit of  Justice for Women

Event Details here

Tuesday 05 November
(4th Week)


Reclaiming Quiet:
Cultivating a Life of Holy Attention

Event details here

Monday 18 November
(6th Week)

Plough Magazine / Autumn Issue

KATJA HOYER in conversation

Event details here

Monday 25 November
(7th Week)


God and the Problem of Evidential Ambiguity

Event details here