At Wycliffe we have a vision for our ministerial training and how that, and we, impact our wider communities, Oxford, the Church and society.
Vision: To see the nations transformed by the gospel
Mission: By renewing Christian leaders in prayer, character, preaching and thinking
Our Mission:
To Train Lifelong Disciple-Makers...
by equipping a generation of ordained and lay readers with gospel-centred knowledge, character formation, and pastoral skills through a range of carefully designed courses, qualifications and training programs.
In Community...
by bringing qualifying students to worship, live and study together, regardless of background or financial constraints, through the provision of a portfolio of bursaries and scholarships.
With Excellent Bible-Centred Teaching...
by enabling tutors to undertake further study to enrich their teaching through establishing endowments for faculty scholarships in biblical studies; history, theology and ethics; mission, apologetics, liturgy and ministry; and in evangelicalism
In A Thought-Provoking City.
by providing affordable, quality accommodation and 21st Century facilities in the centre of Oxford with access to all of the cultural, sporting, academic, and missional opportunities which the City and University provide.
We are a warm and vibrant Christian community that serves, studies, worships and prays together. We welcome diversity and are committed to learning from each other and striving to be gracious as brothers and sisters in Christ.
At the heart of all we do is our belief in the Triune God of love. We believe in Jesus: incarnate, crucified, risen, ascended and glorified. We believe He died for our sins and for the sins of the whole world. We believe in the vital reality of the Holy Spirit working in the lives of Christians and in the Bible as the inspired and authoritative word of God, illumined by that same Spirit.
We seek to love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, and minds by embracing the rigours of academic theology as a key part of faithful discipleship. Our mission is to build up the next generation of evangelical ministers and scholars for the glory of God.
We provide holistic preparation for students training for ordained or lay ministry so that they receive formation in the leadership of worship, liturgy, and prayer, that will equip them to engage appropriately with all cultures and in all contexts.
We engage in active Christian mission through the words we speak, the lives we lead and our commitment to the work of ministry. Our aim is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Because knowing God is more than intellectual knowledge, we seek to grow as disciples of the Lord Jesus through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We want to be transformed more and more into the likeness of Christ spiritually, intellectually and emotionally.