Open Days and Interviews

Interview Days

You are welcome to visit us at any time between 9am and 5pm on a week day.  Please contact Jo Wakefield, Student Recruitment and Admissions Officer on 01865 274205 or to arrange a time which is convenient.

CTS applications for October 2025 are welcome. 

Please contact Jo if you have any questions regarding interviews. 

If you are an ordinand and want to arrange a visit or interview, please email Jo as these interviews are arranged on an ad hoc basis.  

Open Days at Wycliffe

Open Day Saturday 26th of April 2025

Our next Open Day is on Saturday 26th of April 2025.   Or if you prefer, contact Jo Wakefield to arrange a bespoke visit.  Please sign up below if you want to come!  It will be in person. Our Admissions officer, Jo Wakefield, will get in touch with each applicant to discuss their needs.  If you are a prospective ordinand and need an interview please make contact with Jo to arrange this. 


Timetable for a typical Open Day 

9.45am Welcome and Coffee:  mingle with staff and students in a very friendly welcome in the Wycliffe Dining Room  
10.30am  Service in the Wycliffe Hall Chapel led by staff and students 
11.15  Welcome by the Principal: 'Our Vision by Rev Dr Michael Lloyd
12 noon  Short Break and Refreshments
12.30 Learning Theology/Ministerial Training in the Lower Common Room and The Lecture Theatre: 
Justyn Terry, Peter Head, Erin Heim and  Bruce Gillingham will talk to the Ordinands about academic and ministerial training
Max Baker-Hytch and Katy Routh will talk to our Undergraduates about the Theologos Programme and CTS part time course
Matt Kirkpatrick will talk to our graduates about our graduate programmes  
1.15pm Lunch in the Dining Hall 
2pm Afternoon programme in the LCR:  
Panel of Students: What is it like to study in the Community of Wycliffe? 
A chance to ask some of our current students questions about life at Wycliffe Hall 
2.45pm Accommodation Talk by Ilona El-Dabi  followed by Finances for Ordinands Talk by our Bursar
3.15pm Tours of Wycliffe Hall followed by Tea in the Dining Hall 
We really look forward to welcoming you and please do not hesitate to make contact with Jo Wakefield on if you have any further questions. 


Interview Days at Wycliffe

We welcome you to visit us anytime and have an interview as part of your time with us.  It will include meeting key staff members and students.  We will arrange a bespoke morning or afternoon according to your needs. Email Jo Wakefield who will call to arrange. 

Interview Dates 2023-2024   
Contact Jo Wakefield, in the Admissions Office to book one in. Email is   



Photo fo students talking and smiling