About the Library


Wycliffe Hall Library is at the heart of study and research activities of the Wycliffe Hall Community. It is the primarily resource for the students, academics, researchers and staff of the Hall. Like most Oxford college libraries, it is an independent institution, not being part of the Bodleian Libraries, and offers collections and services which are specifically tailored to meet the academic needs of the Hall members. Therefore our collections are dedicated to support the courses taught at Wycliffe hall. They are particularly strong in biblical studies, ethics, doctrine, Christology, apologetics, evangelism, Christianity and science, spirituality, homiletics, liturgy and worship, church history, and interfaith studies. The library holds around 30,000 items.


The Wycliffe Library has long been a cherished part of the institution, and has moved around over the years as it outgrew various rooms, finally arriving in Old Lodge at the turn of the 1970s. (The first recorded need for a larger library space was noted in the College Minute Book of 1932).

By virtue of being principally an undergraduate level collection, there are no Gutenberg Bibles unfortunately, but there are a few early editions: PARR The Works of…Elnathan Parr (1651); GURNALL The Christian in Complete Armour (1679); LATIMER The Sermons of …Master Hugh Latimer (1758), and KENNICOTT, Benjamin Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum…(1776).

Steady collecting resulted in an ever-larger card catalogue, but the advent of computerisation in the late 1990s meant that a digital catalogue could be so much more easily searched, and so the Heritage system was purchased in 1999, and the long process of RetroCon began (the retrospective conversion of card records to computerised records).



The RetroCon Project has now been largely completed, and all new books are added directly to the online catalogue. This means that they may be searched for by author, title, subject, keyword, classmark, etc., etc., and thus be much easier to find. There are approximately 25,000 books in the collection.

The incorporation of the Hall into the Oxford University system in 1997 meant that students now had unfettered access to the Bodleian catalogue (now in excess of twelve million items), and borrowing privileges at some libraries, e.g. the Philosophy and Theology Faculties Library, now housed in the former Radcliffe Infirmary.

In addition to this, students acquired access to the several hundred online databases bought by the Bodleian, particularly ATLA (a comprehensive database of theological articles dating back to the 1940s).

In the last few years the Library has struggled to find space to shelve its ever-burgeoning collections adequately. During summer 2017, major works were carried out in the Library to resolve the storage issue, with the construction of an internal staircase connecting the upper and lower ground floors, and the installation of mobile shelving, effectively increasing book storage by almost half, and enlarging student study spaces.

Librarian               Hannie Riley

Email                     librarian@wycliffe.ox.ac.uk

Phone Number 01865 274204

Working Hours  Monday to Thursday 9 am-4 pm (No cover for breaks)

Hannie Riley headshot

Hannie is the college librarian at Wycliffe Hall overseeing its collections and managing the library.  She is currently the chair of ABTAPL (Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries), looks after the ABTAPL eBook collection, and runs monthly social gathering sessions called ABchATL on Zoom. She has delivered training sessions, presented actively, and written many articles for the Atla Bulletin.  She is also the vice president of BETH (European Theological Libraries), the editor of the BETH Bulletin, and has served as the Atal liaison officer for BETH since 2023.  She worked as the library consultant for OCMS (Oxford Centre for Mission Studies) in 2023.  She has just set up a charity called Oxford Theology Resources Link to send surplus theology books from Oxford to the majority world theological libraries such as Ukraine, South Sudan and Uganda. 

Hannie holds an MSc in Library Science, an MA in Education, and a BA in Psychology.

Published work 

“Equipping Myself from the Old Normal to the New Normal", In Theological & Religious Studies Librarians’ Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Chicago: ATLA, (2024). https://books.atla.com/atlapress/catalog/view/96/234/932 

"Perlego, a Friend or Foe?: E-Textbook Streaming Service", in Atla Summary of Proceedings 77 (December 2023): 280-92.  https://doi.org/10.31046/proceedings.2023.3363.

"Bridging Borders: from the Heart of Korean Theological Libraeis to European Theological Libraries", in Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries 30, no. 3 (2023):. 


"Brave New Move: Reflection on Delivering a Presentation at Atla Annual 2023", in Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries 30, no. 2 (2023):.  


"Put a Ring on it: Engaging Your Users", in BETH Bulletin: European Theological Librarianship 1 (2023): 15-24. https://bethbulletin.eu/ojs/index.php/bethyb/article/view/1030.

BETH Bulletin 1, edited by Hannie Riley and Jussi Havarin (2023).

"Chapter 2 Theological Libraries in Oxford", In Theological Libraries and Library Associations in Europe. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, (2022). doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004523197_003 Riley,

"Celebration after Celebration: The BETH Conference,10-14 Sept 2022", in Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries 29, no. 3 (2022): 5-7.


"My Reflection on My Trip to ATLA Annual, June 15-18, Baltimore", in Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries 29, no. 2 (2022): 4-6.


"A History of the Theological Libraries in Oxford" in Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries 28, no. 3 (2021): 14-18.


"My Perspective on Being a Theological Librarian as a Career", Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries 26, no. 2 (2019): 8-13.


"From Keeper of Books to Keeper of Data", Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries 25, no. 3 (2018):16-20.

Publications from the Wycliffe Hall Community
