Dr Richard McCallum


Books and study guides

Evangelical Christian Responses to Islam: A Contemporary Overview, (London: Bloomsbury), 2024.

Series editor for Hikmah Guides.

Book contributions

‘Public Intellectuals and Micro-Public Spheres: a British illustration’, in Thijssen, P., Weyns, W., Timmerman, C., & Mels, . (eds.) New Public Spheres: Recontextualizing the Intellectual (Aldershot: Ashgate), 2013

‘Rejection or Accommodation? Trends in Evangelical Christian Responses to Muslims’, in Guest, M. & E. Arweck (eds.) Religion and Knowledge: Sociological perspectives (Aldershot: Ashgate), 2012

‘Tensions in British Evangelical Responses to Islam and Muslims,' in Bell, S. & C. Chapman (eds.) Between Naivety and Hostility: How should Christians respond to Islam in Britain?  (Milton Keynes: Authentic), 50-63, 2011

Selected articles

‘Towards a framework and methodology for the evaluation of inter-faith initiatives’, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 27/1, 63-81, 2018

‘Evaluating Inter-faith Initiatives: A Cambridge case study’, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 27/1, 83-103, 2018

Islamophobia: A View from the UK, Evangelical Inter-faith Dialogue, Fall 2016, 32-33, 2016