Wycliffe's New Renaissance Project continues growing




Wycliffe has committed to a bold vision for excellent scholarship, leadership and creativity born out of Christian community for the revitalisation of society. 

In the past three months, we have been growing in each of those streams of activity: launching a major research project and a research hub; contracting a talented consultant to take our leadership initiatives forward; and welcoming more than 200 guests to a remarkable series of cultural events.



Abrahamic Theistic Origins Project (ATOP) and appointment of Dr Dru Johnson

Wycliffe Hall announces the appointment of Dr Dru Johnson as the Templeton Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Abrahamic Theistic Origins Project (ATOP).

Based on a generous grant from the Templeton Religion Trust and hosted by Wycliffe Hall (Oxford), ATOP will explore the question of how the Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and the evolutionary sciences meet.

We will delve into how thinkers within each tradition work through findings in the sciences in light of their respective creation theologies, as well as how creation accounts might interface with scientific explanation. What insights can be drawn from understanding how each field encounters the other?

To learn more, visit ATOP's webpage.


Research Hub at 8 Norham Gardens

In order to resource initiatives like ATOP, and to provide supportive Christian community for our Research Fellows, Wycliffe Hall has dedicated two floors of 8 Norham Gardens to create a research hub.


This is an important step towards the delivery of a key part of the Renaissance vision: ‘To make Wycliffe a crucible of the highest quality Christian thinking, so that Christian scholarship is again respected and turned to for wisdom on the issues of the day.’ 


One way to achieve this is by mentoring a new generation of Christian academics in every discipline. We want to help young scholars so to think through their research in the light of their faith (and vice versa) as to enable them to be fine thinkers, inspiring teachers, good servants of their students and colleagues, and articulate Christian witnesses in their own fields and faculties.

To this end, our Senior Research Fellow, Rt Revd Professor Tom Wright, recently spoke with the growing fellowship, now based at 8 Norham Gardens, offering inspiration and practical advice, and encouraging them to make the most of this unique opportunity.




Welcoming Jean Kabasomi as a Consultant on our Leadership activity

Jean is a University of Oxford alumna who brings a blend of business sector experience, academic study both in management and theology, and a passion to glorify God in all the earth.

Jean will support the Renaissance Project in developing leadership activity in three spheres, considering: 

  • How can Christians grow in good character thus becoming more Christlike leaders? 
  • How can Christians lead better in the workplace and in daily life? 
  • How can Christians lead in addressing the world’s most challenging problems?

You can find out more about Jean here: Jean Kabasomi | WYCLIFFE HALL



Looking back on a remarkable series of events during Michaelmas Term

We welcomed approximately 200 guests, drawn from our own community, from the University, from the city, and further afield.



Max Baker-Hytch

God and the Problem of Evidential Ambiguity







Katja Hoyer & Plough Magazine

Why We're Still Atheists: Secularism in the Former East Germany 35 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall







Michelle Brown

Windows into Christian Art


08/11/24 & 15/11/24







Sarah Clarkson

Reclaiming Quiet: Cultivating a Life of Holy Attention







Sarah Williams:

When Courage Calls: Josephine Butler and the Radical Pursuit of Justice for Women








Coming soon!

Book (and other) events for Hilary Term will include:

  • Nicholas Wolterstorff and Global Faculty Iniative – Justice and Rights – Monday 24th February 2025
  • Leadership over Lunch with Dr Sarah Bond – Tuesday 25th February 2025
  • Alison Milbank & Mike Moynagh – Giving the Church and The Church as a Gift – Monday 10th March 2025
  • Graham Tomlin – Blaise Pascal – Wednesday 19th March 2025      
  • ADVANCE NOTICE: Dr Chris Wadibia – Lecture on 'Pentecostal Churches and Cultural Foundation' – Monday 28th April 2025
  • ADVANCE NOTICE: Michael Lloyd with Rachel Atkinson – Image Bearers – Date TBC

Past events

See our previous New Renaissance Project update...